Analytics for your design space

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Product Design

Design space is the grouping of related product design projects, files, and tools. It also becomes collaborative when shared with team members and stakeholders. Since a design space involves multiple tools, file formats, and members to accomplish its goal of designing a product, it is important to get an abstract and graphical view of its status.

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With space analytics, you can just achieve that as it provides stunning visualizations of its data to show important insights into your space.

Some of these insights include:

  1. Project type count
  2. Member type graph
  3. Top wireframe projects
  4. Design files by approval status
  5. Design files by type
  6. Top revised files
  7. Embeds usage by functionality
  8. Top creators in space

Benefit from space analytics to know the progress of your product's design stage, learn how various members of your team contribute to your space. Track your space data for better understanding.

Space analytics can be opened as shown below:

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